The Best Non-Toxic Makeup for a Natural Look

Posted by Joy Kakabeeke on

Looking for a natural, effortless makeup look this Spring and Summer that's also safe and non-toxic?

This blog post explores the best options for toxin-free makeup that will give you a beautiful, natural, and effortless makeup look. We'll provide an overview of the importance of avoiding toxins in makeup, as well as a list of the top makeup products that are free of toxins and provide beautiful results without drying out your skin. 

What is Natural Makeup?

If you're looking for a guide to natural makeup and organic beauty products, then you've come to the right place! From cruelty-free cosmetics to clean beauty essentials, this guide covers it all. We will walk you through the types of natural makeup available; what ingredients are used in organic beauty products; discuss the animal testing policies of cruelty-free brands; and outline the best clean beauty essentials. Whether you are interested in switching over your entire skincare routine or experimenting with just one product, this blog post is your go-to source when embarking on a new mission towards achieving healthier skin care habits.

First off, let's explore some of the various types of natural makeup available today. Natural makeup is essentially any brand that utilizes plant based essential oils and extracts as well as other naturally occurring elements such as minerals , waxes, etc., rather than synthetic perfumes or chemicals found in traditional makeup lines. Popular examples include mineral makeups which use mica particles instead of talcs; oil-free foundations that utilize non comedogenic (non pore-clogging plants); petroleum jelly – free lip balms using beeswax from certified local beekeepers; and eye shadows made from natural pigments like clay or roots.

Second, let’s look at what constitutes an organic beauty product. The term ‘organic’ refers to products that have been produced without artificial additives such as colors, fragrances, preservatives, or toxins commonly used in conventional cosmetics production processes. Clean Beauty by Joy lists the ingredients for all of their products so you know which ones are organic and how much of a formula is organic. Water is a common ingredient in liquid makeup products like primer and foundation, so keep in mind that skin care or makeup products won't typically be 100% organic.

Items marked “natural” do not necessarily mean they are 100% derived from nature so pay close attention before investing! Thirdly we must consider brands whose business ethics favor animals. Brands with no testing policy whatsoever on either their own finished items nor those supplied by third parties remain our top choice due to an ethical standpoint. Clean Beauty by Joy is proud to be Leaping Bunny Certified! Many companies working toward becoming completely cruelty-free adopt very strict regulations now requiring clear documentation proving raw materials have never participated even remotely within animal tests.

The best toxin-free makeup for a natural look is made up of natural makeup, organic beauty products, cruelty-free products, and clean beauty essentials. Joy recommends the Pro Prep Primer, Flawless Liquid Foundation, and the Ultra-Lush Lashes Mascara from Clean Beauty by Joy along with a safe, non-toxic bronzer* to complete your natural, effortless look.

By making the switch to toxin-free makeup, you can enjoy a natural look without any of the harsh chemicals or toxins. It’s never been easier to achieve beautiful, flawless-looking skin without sacrificing your health.



*Joy is working on a bronzer and it is currently in beta testing! Yay! Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay up-to-date.

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