Uncovering the risks of forever chemicals in makeup

Posted by Joy Kakabeeke on

Forever chemicals, also known as PFAS, are a growing concern in the makeup industry. Used to make even the most long-lasting lipsticks, foundations, and eyeshadows, these chemicals can have far-reaching and potentially harmful effects. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the risks of these chemicals and how you can ensure your makeup is safe. 

What Are Forever Chemicals (PFAS?)

Beauty products have come a long way in providing consumers with improved quality and safety in their products. However, most contain endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that can disrupt hormones and cause adverse health effects over time. One example of an EDC is bisphenol A (BPA) which has been linked to cancer, changes in gene expression, infertility, diabetes, and obesity. In addition to these potentially harmful ingredients found in beauty products, other carcinogenic chemicals may also be present that are capable of causing cancer when used regularly or for extended periods of time. It is important for consumers to not only understand what they are putting on their skin but also to take steps to reduce their exposure by using safer alternatives whenever possible. 

how to avoid forever chemicals in makeup

PFAS, also known as perfluoroalkyl substances, are part of a group known as “forever chemicals.” That is, they do not break down in nature and stay persistent in the environment for decades before degrading into smaller molecules that linger even longer. Research shows that exposure over time increases health risks and can cause disruption to the immune system function as well as reproductive problems. In addition, it can cause issues in pregnancy including preeclampsia, along with other health issues. 

PFAS are common contaminants found in everyday items including kitchen utensils and cosmetics like lipsticks, foundations, moisturizers and more! While some companies are committed to researching safe alternatives and looking into getting rid of these dangerous chemicals, many aren’t yielding results. With a lack of regulation in the United States, there’s more responsibility for us as consumers to protect our health and watch out for PFAS. 

How to Ensure Your Makeup Is Safe 

Look out for PFAS on your ingredient labels. According to Consumer Notice’s official website, some common sources of PFAS exposure include water-resistant clothing, nonstick cookware, and some cosmetic products. Avoid buying these products or any products containing ingredients with “perfluoro” or “fluoro” in their name. In addition, avoid beauty products that include fragrance on the label. A number of toxic ingredients, including PFAS are lurking under the guise of “fragrance.” 

Read the ingredient labels and learn about the products you’re using daily. Find brands you can trust that focus on toxin-free, clean, organic ingredients. There are many small business brands that are paving a way to a healthier future and selling organic, toxin-free products. Protect your health and find products that you know won’t harm it.

If you’re looking for a makeup brand that’s high-performing, affordable and toxin-free (PFA-free, as well!), look no further than my makeup line! Shop here: https://cleanbeautybyjoy.com/collections/all

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